JUMP HIGHER, run faster, and get stronger with this 12-move, four-week training plan.
These 12 exercises are divided into two workouts, A and B. Perform workout A on Mondays/Thursdays and workout B on Tuesdays/Fridays. Perform exercises 1A, 1B, 1C, and then rest 20 seconds. That is one set. Do three total sets. Repeat for 2A, 2B, 2C.
Workout A
1A. Squat Jump – 3 reps
1B. Bodyweight Squat – 12 reps
1C. Towel Supine Bodysaw – 12 reps
Place your upper back on a towel. Lie faceup on the floor with your knees slightly bent. Push your hips upward. Without pausing, pull your upper back toward your heels. Pause, and then reverse the motion by pushing your heels into the floor and straightening your knees.
2A. Box Jump – 3 reps
2B. Single-leg Bodyweight Romanian Deadlift -12 reps per leg
2C. Box Single-leg Lateral Crossover Step – 12 reps per leg
Stand with your right side next to a box. Place your left foot on the box. Press your left foot into the box, and push off until both legs are straight. Reverse the motion and return to the start. Do the recommended reps on your left leg before moving to the other side.