FOR THE PAST few years, time-starved gym goers have whittled down exercise to roughly the amount of time it takes to brew a pot of coffee.

There’s The 20 Minute Body, 10 Minute Abs, and the Seven Minute Workout.

Now there’s this: the One Minute Workout. Yes, you read that right. Researchers from McMaster University in Ontario proved 60 measly seconds of intense exercise can increase endurance capacity and lower blood pressure.

For the study, 14 participants took on a six-week training program on the stationary bike. Three times a week they completed a session that included three 20-second all-out intervals, spread between easy pedaling. That one minute of intense effort (18 total minutes through the entire study) boosted endurance levels 12%.

From the New York Times:

“The men and women had increased their endurance capacity by an average of 12 percent, a significant improvement. They also, as a group, had healthier blood pressures and higher levels within their muscles of certain biochemical substances that increase the number and activity of mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of cells, so more mitochondria mean better endurance and fitness.”

The importance of this study isn’t that it proves you only need one minute of exercise – it’s just not that easy to get ripped.

The importance is it proves the power of exercise, any exercise. Just one minute of movement can actually boost your health. For noticeable results, you need to work out for longer than it takes to heat up a cold slice of pizza. But if you truly can only spare 60 seconds (plus a warm-up), these five HIIT moves have the power to do some damage.