WHEN WE ASKED 20 women to reveal the exercises they love to watch you do in the gym, not only were they candid, they were pretty detailed, too. (You can read all about it here.) Not that you shouldnecessarily craft your workouts based on what they had to say, but if you want to we did the hard work for you.

Mike Krajewski, PT, CSCS, owner of MK Fitness in Nashville, TN created the workouts on the following pages based on what these ladies said. What follows are two workout options each with exercises chicks think are seriously hot.

Workout 1:

Warmup: 5-10min cardio followed by full-body dynamic stretches and mobility drills

Instructions: Finish each superset for prescribed reps and sets before progressing on to the next.

1a. Squats 4×10 
*rest 30sec*
1b. Overhand Grip Pullups 4×10
*rest 30sec*
1c. Lying Bicycle Abs 4×45-60sec
*rest 60sec*

2a. Face-Lying 1-Legged Hamstring Curl (on machine) 4×10 each leg
*rest 30sec*
2b. Standing Shoulder Press 4×10
*rest 60sec*

3a. Barbell Hip Thrust 3×15-20
*rest 45sec*
3b. Dumbbell Renegade Rows w/ Pushup (every rep) 3×6-8
*rest 45sec*

Finisher EMOM Circuit:
Instructions: Set a timer and perform each exercise for the prescribed reps and rest for the remainder of the minute. If it takes 20 seconds for example to perform 15 bodyweight dips, then you have 40 seconds rest until the top of the next minute where you would start round 2. Don’t move from one exercise to the next until you’ve finished all 4 rounds; you’ll complete 4 minutes of Bodyweight Dips, then move on to Dumbbell Rows, then Battle Ropes.

1. Bodyweight Dips 12-15 for 4minutes
2. Incline Face-Lying Dumbbell Rows (45 degree incline on bench) 12-15 for 4minutes
3. Battle Ropes 40sec for 4 minutes

Once you’ve completed the entire circuit (4 minutes of each exercise), perform 4 minutes of Bodyweight Walking Lunges with no rest.