THE ROAD TO a thinner waistline and a deflated spare tire is plagued with pitfalls, diet mishaps, and false supplement claims. Whereas many guys have likely tried one particular weight-loss method in the past, most fall short.
To experience positive, sustained results, guys looking for weight loss must put together the entire package, including proper nutrition, a good workout routine, and appropriate lifestyle habits. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. To help clarify your path to weight-loss success, we’ve identified the perfect fat-loss day equipped with all the tools and techniques necessary to get you to your optimum physique.
Looking for a solid workout routine? Pick from four complete 21-day programs in our updated 21-Day Shred Series with Mike Simone. Get your copies today.
6 a.m.-8 a.m.
1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast
By getting at least 35g of protein in your first meal of the day, you can not only help prevent hunger later in the day but also ultimately reduce body fat and the total number of calories you eat, according to a study from the University of Missouri.
2. Hydrate
To help rehydrate after 8-plus hours without liquid as well as combat the inevitable hunger pangs, down a large glass of water. Hydrated individuals binge less throughout the day, and boast a more functional metabolism.
3. Drink a cup of coffee
While your java addiction might make this an obvious morning choice, swigging back a cup of the black stuff is beneficial for more reasons than a simple energy boost. The extract found in coffee beans may help boost weight loss. To make matters even better, black coffee is a natural low-calorie alternative to energy drinks—making it a much better choice to start your morning.
4. Take some fish oil
It turns out your inability to hold back from bingeing on that box of cookies isn’t solely due to lack of willpower. New research indicates that poor eating habits actually damage brain cells, making it even harder to resist temptations. However, an omega-3-rich fish oilsupplement can help to create new nerve cells and counteract the effects of high junk-food intake.
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
1. Move
After checking your email and getting set for a hard day of work, ditch the office chair for a trip around the office. The quick walk will help you stay awake as well as boost your metabolism and help you burn a few extra calories. If you’re looking to try something a bit more progressive, consider a standing or even a treadmill desk. Both help to minimize slouching and keep you active while plugging away. For those who aren’t ready to stand all day, try standing through meetings or phone calls.
2. Hydrate
Despite your morning glass of water, you’re probably slightly dehydrated, even more so if your morning routine includes more than one cup of coffee. To help prevent the mid-morning munchies and keep you hydrated, consider downing another one or two glasses of water.
12 p.m.-2 p.m.
1. Work out
To spice up your workday as well as rev up your metabolism for the afternoon, skip the lunch date with your co-workers and opt for a workout instead. The workout will also serve to amplify the effects of your intermittent fasting routine since your body will be forced to rely heavily on stored fuel during the gym session. To make the most of your lunch hour, aim for a total-body circuit emphasizing multijoint moves like a squat to overhead press and lunge to curl. (For a solid workout you can do at your house—download The 21-Day At-Home Shred.) The big exercises will elevate your heart rate and provide the perfect catalyst for building muscle while burning fat. Top your sweat session off with some cardio intervals for the complete package.
Since you haven’t eaten yet today, you might feel as if you’re running low on fuel as you move through the gym. To combat the flat feeling, down some BCAAs pre-workout. Provided you’re hydrated and well-rested, it should be the only pre-workout you need.