These workouts were designed by Tyler Manzo, a fitness instructor at BrickNew York. All you need is one kettlebell. You’ll notice there are similarities between the workouts—choose one that fits the time you have, and try a different one the next time. Even though there are programming and exercise carryovers throughout these routines, they’re distinct enough so that you’ll keep getting results as long as you don’t stick to any one workout for too many weeks on end. (Note that these workouts are not meant to comprise a complete program.)
So, go ahead and invest in a kettlebell or two to keep in your house—that way, you never have a reason to skip your workout.
Instructions: You will be performing many reps for plenty of rounds, and in some cases, you will be performing them for time. The goal of these workouts is to elevate your heart rate, so be sure that you select a kettlebell light enough to sustain perfect exercise form throughout the entire workout.
Workout 1: Explosive Kettlebell Power
Do 7 rounds of the following:
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Squats
10 Pushups
“Feel your heart rate rise as the burpees add up,” says Manzo.
Workout 2: Kettlebell Leg Burner
Do as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
Workout 3: 10-minute EMOM Blast
This workout is structured as an EMOM, meaning “every minute on the minute.” Start working when the clock hits the top of each minute. As soon as you’re done, you can rest for the remainder of the minute.
On “even” minutes (including the start of the workout), do 20 kettlebell swings.
On “odd” minutes, do 12 burpees.
“Go hard on each segement, because this workout is only 10 minutes, and gives you some built-in rest thanks to the EMOM protocol,” says Manzo.
The ultimate goal of this workout is to do 100 burpees as fast as you can. The only catch? Every minute, on the minute, you have to perform 7 kettlebell swings.
“Move as fast as you can through those burpees—don’t let those kettlebell swings slow you down,” says Manzo.
Workout 7: Kettlebell Boulder Shoulders
For 18 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 Pushups
10 Kettlebell Push Press (right arm)
10 Kettlebell Push Press (left arm)
10 Kettlebell Deadlift
“This is one of my favorite push–pull workouts,” says Manzo.
There’s a reason this is called The Chipper, Manzo says: It’s a monster amount of reps, so attack each 50-rep set by breaking it up into smaller chunks: 25-15-10, 15-15-10-10, or even 10-10-10-10-10. As you improve and become fitter, you’ll be able to do this workout faster, so make sure to record your times and track your progress.