SURE, YOU CAN make the same old resolutions to make this the year of getting fitgetting promoted, being a better boyfriend, or being less stressed. But rather than trying to develop one specific thing, you could also try focusing on improving your mental moxie—and see improvements across every aspect of your life.

Mental toughness is about having the psychological edge that enables you to both generally cope well with the many demands—be it competition, training, work, general life—that are placed on you as a performer, as well as to specifically remain determined, focused, confident, resilient, and in control under pressure,” says Greg Chertok, sport psychologist at Telos Sport Psychology Coaching in New York.

Psychological strength is just like physical strength: Some people are born with mental toughness, and others have to develop it. Either way, the more you test your mental muscles, the more your mental fortitude will grow.

Here are seven New Year’s resolutions to improve your mental toughness. Focus on these and you’ll notice stress roll off without a sweat, keep your focus during one-rep-max deadlift day, and help you make smarter long-term decisions in the new year.