If you want to build endurance and stamina, you should probably just go run or bike for a really, really long time, right? If you’re training for a marathon, triathlon, or century ride, that’s part of it, sure, but there’s more to the equation.
To stay strong longer out on a race course (or just in your regular workout life!) two factors come into play: VO2 max and lactate threshold. Workouts like CrossFitWODs, performed at high intensity (better known as HIIT or High Intensity IntervalTraining) help boost both in a short but tough session. That might explain why your Instagram feed is packed with images of sweaty shirtless people collapsed on the floor next to barbells.
To really kick your endurance up a notch, the following workouts should be performed keeping the following factors in mind:
*Aim for little to no rest between sets or rounds
*Use a weight that is 50-70% of your 1 rep max for a given exercise
WOD 1: Baseline Row
Start here with a baseline row. If you’re new to rowing, go for a 1K row. Record your time and after you’ve worked with an endurance program for a month, come back to the 1K row and see if you’re time has improved. If you’ve already been rowing, try the 5K row. Remember your pace will have to be a bit slower than with the 1K to avoid burning out.
Remember to initiate the pull with your legs, extend using your core, and finally finish the pull using your arms. The recovery phase begins with arms, then core, then bending the legs. Take powerful, strong pulls and a slow measured recovery.
WOD 2:
20 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
10 Burpees
20 Wall Balls
250m Row
10 Crossfit Workouts You Can Do at Home >>>
WOD 3:
8 Rounds For Time of:
10 Barbell Thrusters
8 pull-ups
50 double-unders (if you don’t have double-unders, aim for alternating two singles and one double)
WOD 4:
20-min EMOM (every minute on the minute). Begin with the first exercise on minute 1. Finish all the reps and rest for the remainder of the minute. At the start of minute 2, begin the next exercise and rest for the remainder of that minute. Continue alternating for 20 minutes.
Even Minute: 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Odd Minute: 8 Back squats
WOD 5:
Set a 15-minute time cap to complete:
400m run
20 wall balls
30 burpees
40 box jumps
400m run
WOD 6:
20-Minute AMRAP
200m sprint run
8 barbell thrusters
10 toes-to-bar
WOD 7:
6 Rounds for Time of:
250m row
10 dumbbell snatches (per side)
10 kettlebell goblet squats
15 v-ups
WOD 8:
15-minute EMOM
Minute 1: 5 Power cleans
Minute 2: 5 overhead press (clean once)
Minute 3: 15 pushups
WOD 9:
25-minute AMRAP
10 front squats
10 burpee box jumps (perform a burpee and finish with a box jump)
20 weighted sit-ups
WOD 10:
How has your endurance training gone so far? Give it a test with one of the most-dreaded benchmark workouts in CrossFit: Karen.
150 wall balls for time (20lb wall ball)