FOR MOST GUYS, the bedroom is probably the one place you don’t want to finish first. Sex experts (and, we assume, you) agree that nothing makes a guy feel more insecure than coming up short when it matters most. So if you’re plagued by this sexual shortcoming, relax—there are numerous ways to boostyour sexual endurance and last longer in bed.

“All men have their own extending technique, from thinking about football or baseball or counting backwards in their heads,” says A.L. Harper, a sex expert and former editor of a U.K.-based men’s magazine. “However, these distraction techniques can end up making guys worse in bed because they aren’t paying attention to their partner’s pleasure.”

If you’re curious to find out the real ways to last longer, so you don’t kill the mood for the both of you, check out these tips. We asked three top industry experts to share the advice they give their clients—no Viagra required.