You know the old saying: Abs are made in the kitchen. And that’s pretty much true; whether your goal is a rippling…
You know the old saying: Abs are made in the kitchen. And that’s pretty much true; whether your goal is a rippling…
Want bigger muscles? Don’t reach for a heavier dumbbell, but into your pantry. Your shelves can supply all the essential…
No question about it, burning fat is a 24/7 endeavor. To keep the fires hot, you need to eat every 2-3 hours…
Bare Bones is all about making your workouts as efficient as possible. This month, we bring you the squat-clean-press, a…
Like taxes, most of you take for granted what you put on your plates. Day in and day out, you…
If you think breakfast is a waste of time, think again. One recent study found strong evidence for partaking in a healthy morning…
The following six meals have one thing in common: They’re perfect. They’re flawless. They’re clean as can be, and they’re…
THERE’S NO WAY around it: If you’re athletic, you need to know how to keep your body hydrated and recognize signs…
Late-night infomercials have you thinking that losing fat is either super easy or way too hard. One guru says you can tighten your…
When you’re looking to drop some kg’s, the basic formula is pretty simple: eat less and move more. But, there…